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St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church~~~ Charleston, South Carolina

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."~~ Matthew 19:14

Kid's Club

Kid's Club started up again on September 5th. We are going to make a goodie box for L. J. Smoak, who is in the service now as well as being a former Kid's Club member! Supplies needed are:
We will also be making up a box for Andy Andrews, who is now at Clemson University. We will send a box of snacks and restaurant cards. Cards wanted can be from:


We will begin to decorate shoe boxes again for the homeless. If you can bring some in, paint them for us, or help us deliver them to the homeless in December, please let Susan Kirkley or Onalee Avinger know. Now is the time for everyone to start to bring in "daily needs." Please mark bags on the outside with the words "Kid's Club."

Thank you for all of your help. We look forward to another great year!

Kid's Club

God Loves You!

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posted by Coleman @ 9/10/2007 10:46:00 PM, ,

Laboring on Labor Day!

Well, let's see....this is just how hard the Youth worked to get ready to plant the "top secret" garden for Pearl Jones, the Director of Christian Education.

LOL! Now was a very warm Labor Day afternoon. The Youth, some parents, youth leaders and other adults gathered at the church for an exciting afternoon of dirt, weeds, manure (oh so fragrant), and fun.. for a work party. The goal: To get the ground ready for a "top secret garden" to be planted in honor of Pearl Jones, the director of Christian Education. The garden is to honor her and the great strides that Christian education, at our church, is making.

The afternoon was spent digging up grass, sorting out
weeds, tilling, raking and hoeing.

Everyone pitched in and many hands made light work.

The spreading of manure was most aromatic!
It was worked into the soil.

We even had time for a water break!

When it was all over, we were able to place the garden stones
in preliminary spots so that we could get an idea of where
things were to be placed according to the design obtained by Jean Rogers.

Now we were just waiting for the plants that had been ordered to come in and a special garden stone to be made just for Pearl! After an afternoon of digging, we all had lunch topped off with homemade ice cream by Lindy Coleman. If you were not there, you missed a real treat!

There was no sign of Pearl! The secret mission went off as planned.

God Loves You!

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posted by Coleman @ 9/09/2007 02:41:00 PM, ,

Weekend at the Gainey's

Weekend at the Gainey's Lake house

September 15-17Th, 2007

We will meet at the church Saturday morning at 9:00 AM

and return Sunday at 5:00 PM

Remember to bring your own life jacket.

God Loves You!

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posted by Coleman @ 9/02/2007 10:20:00 PM, ,

Youth Fellowship

Youth Fellowship
will be held on
Sunday, September 9th!

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

God Loves You!

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posted by Coleman @ 9/02/2007 10:17:00 PM, ,