Laboring on Labor Day!
Sunday, September 09, 2007
Well, let's see....this is just how hard the Youth worked to get ready to plant the "top secret" garden for Pearl Jones, the Director of Christian Education.
LOL! Now was a very warm Labor Day afternoon. The Youth, some parents, youth leaders and other adults gathered at the church for an exciting afternoon of dirt, weeds, manure (oh so fragrant), and fun.. for a work party. The goal: To get the ground ready for a "top secret garden" to be planted in honor of Pearl Jones, the director of Christian Education. The garden is to honor her and the great strides that Christian education, at our church, is making.
weeds, tilling, raking and hoeing.
It was worked into the soil.
in preliminary spots so that we could get an idea of where
things were to be placed according to the design obtained by Jean Rogers.
There was no sign of Pearl! The secret mission went off as planned.
Labels: christian education, pearl jones, youth
posted by Coleman @ 9/09/2007 02:41:00 PM,